Any individual who is aligned with Club India Purpose and core values can be a member. There is no obligation from Club India towards it's members (at this point there is No membership fees). However, Club India encourages members to support and promote the cause.
You can click here to send an email request to join Club India as a member. Also, we encourage you to join our whats group by clicking here
Club India offers a host of benefits to its members as listed below with many more to follow.
As a member you are most welcome to organise and take part in the events.
Yes, as a member you can always suggest the events or activities. You can also request a repeat of an existing event.
Club India reserves the right of all of it's intellectual property. A prior and written permission will be needed to use any intellectual property that belongs to Club India. However, you are allowed to use the link of this website in your campaigns. This can help us spread the word.
Club India can enrol you as a member and your business/service/organisation as partner to Club India.
As of now there is no fees for Club India membership. As far as Club India is concerned, we would like to keep membership open for all.
You may reach out Club India with this email
If you are a member already feel free to reach out to us on whats app or on email, use your registered email/mobile number for us to handle your request easily.
Copyright © 2023 Club India - All Rights Reserved. Foundation name: Stichting Club India (a not for profit Organization). Kvk number: 93325673
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